<img src="https://wilmingtonpl.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2023-10/Th…; />
12/30/24 @ 1:00pm -
12/30/24 @ 3:00pm
Kirk A & B
Wilmington-Main Library
<p>It's the 5th week of the month, so we're doing something special! Times, dates, and themes change each month, so be sure to check the calendar for this month's 5th Week event!</p>
<p>The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.</p>
<p>Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If I do not want my photo used, I will contact Esther at esther@wilmington.lib.oh.us and the library will honor that request.</p>
<h6>It’s the 5th week of the month, so we’re getting kind of wonky! Come rank stuff with us! We’ll be making tier lists and arguing about who has the definitive ranking of, well, everything! Which Disney villain is the <em>woooorst</em>? Which breakfast cereal is S-tier? Which D&D class is just… mid? Come find out, or better yet, YOU decide!</h6>